2023/24 Committee:
Our committee consists of LBA members who freely give up their time to ensure the good
running of the association and to continue to improve what we offer. This takes a lot of
time and effort and we thank you for your support and trust you will enjoy the many
benefits of your membership.
Chairperson: Val McLennan Digital Routes – lba@lossiemouth.org
Vice Chairperson: Alison Ruickbie The Re-store
Secretary: Alison Read Digital Marketing
Treasurer: Denise Bedson
Tourism Sub Group Chair: Donna McLean Wickie Cottage
Membership Secretary: Alison Taylor Lossiemouth House B&B – reception@lossiehouse.com
Committee Members:
Evelyn Thomson Harbour Lights
Julie Smith With This Dress
George Stobo Coastal Flooring
Malcolm Jones Snug Spaces
Snug Spaces
You can contact the committee via email lba@lossiemouth.org or private message our facebook page